Mara Wilson Net Worth How Much is Wilson Worth?

May 2024 · 12 minute read

Mara Wilson, an American actress and writer, currently has an estimated net worth of $500 Thousand Dollars. Wilson’s net worth is largely the result of her success as an actress and writer in the entertainment industry. She gained fame as a child star and has transitioned into a successful career as a writer, showcasing her creativity and talent in various projects. Wilson’s journey in the entertainment industry has been marked by both successes and challenges, but she continues to make a name for herself in the world of arts and letters.

mara wilson net worth

Key Takeaways:

Biography of Mara Wilson: From Child Star to Writer

Mara Wilson, born on July 24, 1987, in Burbank, California, is an American actress and writer. She gained fame at a young age with breakout roles in films like “Mrs. Doubtfire” and “Matilda.” Wilson’s early career as a child star was filled with success, but she faced the challenges of being sexualized and feeling that Hollywood had moved on from her at a young age. In a transition from acting, Wilson pursued her passion for writing, revealing that it had always been her secret desire. Today, she is known not only for her impressive Hollywood career but also for her insightful commentary on the entertainment industry and her own experiences as a child star.

Childhood and Early Career

In her early years, Mara Wilson showed immense talent and passion for performing. She began her acting career at the age of five, appearing in commercials and landing her first film role in “Mrs. Doubtfire” at the age of six. Wilson captivated audiences with her natural talent, charm, and adorable presence on screen, instantly becoming a beloved child star.

Her breakthrough role came in 1996 when she played the titular character in the film adaptation of Roald Dahl’s “Matilda.” The film received critical acclaim, and Wilson’s performance was widely praised. She showcased her ability to captivate audiences with her impeccable comedic timing and emotional depth.

Despite her success, Wilson faced the challenges that come with being a child star in Hollywood. She experienced the pressure to adhere to society’s expectations and struggled with feeling sexualized at a young age. As she grew older, Wilson felt that she was being pushed aside and that Hollywood had moved on from her.

“Being a child star made me feel like a novelty rather than a person. I constantly felt the need to prove myself and that I had to fit into a certain mold. It was challenging, but it also fueled my desire to explore other creative outlets.”

Transition to Writing and Recent Career

Amidst the challenges she faced, Wilson discovered her passion for writing. She revealed that writing had always been her secret desire, and she decided to pursue it as a career. Wilson’s transition from acting to writing allowed her to explore her creative talents in a new way and regain control over her own narrative.

Today, Mara Wilson is known for her impressive writing career. She has contributed her insightful commentary on the entertainment industry and her own experiences as a child star to various publications and platforms. In addition to writing, Wilson has also ventured into the world of playwriting, with her play “Sheeple” being produced for the New York International Fringe Festival.

In her writing and public appearances, Wilson shares her unique perspective on the industry’s treatment of child stars and the challenges they face. She uses her platform to shed light on important issues and advocate for change, making a lasting impact on the entertainment industry and beyond.

Mara Wilson’s Career: From Acting to Writing

Mara Wilson’s journey in the entertainment industry began at a young age, starring in successful films such as “Mrs. Doubtfire” and “Matilda.” These roles catapulted her into the spotlight, earning her widespread recognition and critical acclaim.

However, in 2000, Wilson made the bold decision to retire from acting at the age of 13. Instead, she chose to redirect her energy towards her passion for writing, a hidden talent she had nurtured throughout her acting career. This transition marked a significant turning point in her life, allowing her to explore her creative talents beyond the boundaries of the silver screen.

In her new writing career, Wilson’s versatility and talent were evident as she ventured into various forms of writing. She contributed to renowned publications and worked on notable shows, captivating audiences with her insightful and engaging storytelling abilities. Wilson’s unique perspective and ability to connect with readers made her a sought-after writer in the industry.

One notable accomplishment of Wilson’s writing career is her success as a playwright. Her play, “Sheeple,” was produced for the prestigious New York International Fringe Festival, solidifying her status as a respected writer in the theater world.

Throughout her career, Wilson has demonstrated her ability to adapt and excel in different artistic realms. Her transition from acting to writing allowed her to explore new horizons, showcasing her creativity and establishing herself as a multifaceted talent within the industry.

mara wilson writing career

“Transitioning from acting to writing has been a liberating and fulfilling experience for me,” says Wilson. “I’ve always had a deep love for storytelling, and being able to express myself through words has allowed me to connect with others in profound ways.”

“Mara Wilson’s transformation from child star to accomplished writer is a testament to her talent and determination. Her ability to captivate audiences both on screen and through her writing is truly remarkable.”

– Renowned writer and critic

Wilson’s writing career continues to flourish, as she embraces new opportunities and challenges with enthusiasm. Her evolution from acting to writing has not only allowed her to pursue her passion but has also showcased her resilience and adaptability. Through her work, Wilson has inspired aspiring writers and proven that there is life beyond the spotlight.

Mara Wilson’s Net Worth and Earnings

Mara Wilson, the talented American actress and writer, currently has an estimated net worth of $500 Thousand Dollars. While her early success as a child star certainly contributed to her wealth, Wilson’s financial status is also a result of her writing career and other ventures. Her diverse talents and ability to successfully navigate the entertainment industry have played a significant role in building her net worth.

Although Mara Wilson retired from acting in 2000, her transition to writing and other creative pursuits has allowed her to continue earning income. Through her writing projects and other ventures, Wilson has further solidified her financial status and proven that she is a multi-talented individual with a successful career beyond acting. Her financial achievements serve as a testament to her determination, hard work, and ability to adapt to different creative mediums.

Despite stepping away from the spotlight as an actress, Mara Wilson’s net worth reflects her ongoing success and financial stability. It showcases her ability to leverage her talents and pursue new opportunities to maintain her financial well-being.

Mara Wilson’s Achievements and Awards

Mara Wilson’s career is marked by numerous achievements and awards. She has been recognized for her exceptional talent and contributions to the entertainment industry. Some of her notable achievements include:

  • Youth Star Award for Best Performance: Mara Wilson won the Youth Star Award for Best Performance by a Young Actress in a Comedy Film for her memorable role as Matilda Wormwood in the film “Matilda.” Her portrayal captivated audiences and showcased her remarkable acting skills.
  • Youth Artist Award for Best Performance: Wilson also received the Youth Artist Award for Best Performance in a Feature Film Leading Young Actress for her role in “A Simple Wish.” Her outstanding performance earned her critical acclaim and cemented her status as a rising star in Hollywood.
  • In addition to these awards, Mara Wilson has received numerous nominations throughout her career, highlighting her consistent excellence in the industry. Her notable roles, including Natalie Hillard in “Mrs. Doubtfire” and Matilda Wormwood in “Matilda,” have left a lasting impact on audiences and solidified her place as one of the most talented and respected actresses of her generation.

    “I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to work on these films and be recognized for my performances. It’s a humbling experience to be acknowledged for doing what I love, and I am grateful for the support and recognition I have received throughout my career.”
    – Mara Wilson

    Complete List of Mara Wilson’s Awards:

    Youth Star AwardBest Performance by a Young Actress in a Comedy FilmMatilda
    Youth Artist AwardBest Performance in a Feature Film Leading Young ActressA Simple Wish

    These awards are a testament to Mara Wilson’s incredible talent and her contributions to the world of film and entertainment. Her achievements serve as an inspiration to aspiring actors and actresses, and her notable roles continue to be cherished by fans around the world.

    Mara Wilson’s Personal Life and Advocacy

    Mara Wilson’s personal life is characterized by her openness about her own struggles and her commitment to using her platform for advocacy. She has been candid about her experiences with mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and OCD. Through her honesty, Wilson strives to raise awareness about mental health and reduce the stigma surrounding these conditions.

    Wilson has also been vocal about the media’s treatment of child stars. As someone who found fame at a young age, she understands the pressures and challenges that come with being in the spotlight. She has used her voice to shed light on the dark side of the entertainment industry and advocate for improved support and protection for young actors and actresses.

    In addition to her mental health advocacy, Mara Wilson is known for her activism on a broader scale. She actively speaks out on important issues within the entertainment industry and beyond, using her visibility to amplify marginalized voices and promote social justice. Wilson’s activism extends to advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, as she identifies as openly bisexual and has spoken openly about her experiences and identity.

    Advocacy AreasNotable Actions
    Mental Health AwarenessSharing personal experiences with mental health issues to combat stigma
    Child Star Treatment in the MediaRaising awareness about the challenges faced by child actors and advocating for improved support
    Social Justice and LGBTQ+ RightsUsing visibility and platform to advocate for equality and amplify marginalized voices

    Through her personal journey and advocacy efforts, Mara Wilson has become a strong advocate for mental health awareness, child star rights, and social justice. Her openness and willingness to tackle these important issues have made her an influential figure both within the entertainment industry and among her fans and followers.

    Mara Wilson mental health advocacy

    Wilson’s commitment to leading a balanced and active lifestyle is reflected in her physical attributes. Her dedication to her craft and well-being shines through in her performances and written work. Whether on the screen or the page, Wilson’s physical attributes are a testament to her talent and determination.

    Mara Wilson’s Educational Background and Family

    Mara Wilson’s journey to success in the entertainment industry is not only a testament to her talent and hard work, but also a reflection of her educational background and the support of her family.

    Wilson attended the prestigious Tisch School of the Arts and graduated from the Idyllwild Arts Academy in California. These institutions provided her with the necessary training and education to hone her craft as an actress and writer.

    In addition to these academic achievements, Wilson also studied at New York University and Burroughs High School, further deepening her knowledge and skills in the performing arts. She also attended the Playwrights Horizons Theater School, which allowed her to explore and expand her creative boundaries.

    Aside from her education, Wilson’s family has played a crucial role in her life and career. She comes from a close-knit family with four siblings, who have supported and inspired her throughout her journey. Wilson’s parents, Suzie Wilson and Michael Wilson, have been her pillars of strength, fostering an environment that nurtured her acting ambitions from a young age.

    The unwavering support and encouragement from her family have undoubtedly shaped Wilson’s path in the entertainment industry, providing her with a strong foundation to navigate the challenges and pursue her dreams.

    Educational BackgroundFamily
    Tisch School of the ArtsParents: Suzie Wilson and Michael Wilson
    Idyllwild Arts AcademySiblings: 4
    New York University
    Burroughs High School
    Playwrights Horizons Theater School

    mara wilson education

    Mara Wilson’s Current Endeavors and Impact

    Mara Wilson, the talented American actress and writer, continues to be active in various creative projects, showcasing her diverse skill set. Apart from her notable acting and writing career, Wilson has ventured into internet series and podcasts, where she skillfully utilizes her storytelling abilities to captivate and entertain audiences.

    But Wilson’s impact extends beyond her contributions to the entertainment industry. She has fearlessly used her platform to comment on important issues and advocate for change, demonstrating her commitment to social awareness. Whether it’s discussing mental health, highlighting the challenges faced by child stars, or championing important causes, Wilson’s influential voice resonates with many.

    Her journey from being a successful child star to embracing different forms of creativity has left an enduring legacy. Mara Wilson’s accomplishments serve as an inspiration to aspiring artists, emphasizing that there are myriad paths to success in the entertainment world. With her artistic versatility, impactful advocacy, and enduring legacy, Mara Wilson continues to make waves and leave a lasting impact in the industry.


    How much is Mara Wilson worth?

    Mara Wilson’s estimated net worth is $500 Thousand Dollars.

    What is Mara Wilson’s career background?

    Mara Wilson began her career as a child star in movies like “Mrs. Doubtfire” and “Matilda” before transitioning into writing.

    Did Mara Wilson retire from acting?

    Yes, Mara Wilson retired from acting in 2000 to focus on her writing career.

    What awards has Mara Wilson won?

    Mara Wilson has won several awards, including a Young Star Award and a Young Artist Award.

    Is Mara Wilson involved in any advocacy work?

    Yes, Mara Wilson is known for her advocacy work in areas like mental health awareness and issues affecting child stars.

    What are Mara Wilson’s physical attributes?

    Mara Wilson is 154 cm (5 feet 1 inch) tall, has hazel eyes, and dark brown hair.

    Where did Mara Wilson study?

    Mara Wilson attended the Tisch School of the Arts, Idyllwild Arts Academy, New York University, and Burroughs High School.

    What is Mara Wilson’s family background?

    Mara Wilson comes from a family with four siblings and grew up with her parents Suzie Wilson and Michael Wilson.

    What is Mara Wilson currently working on?

    Mara Wilson continues her creative pursuits, appearing in internet series and podcasts and using her platform to advocate for change in the entertainment industry.
