Cutting down driver shafts | Golf Monthly

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read
Its really worth trying a shorter driver. I cut all mine down, they vary, from a driver I use often which is just 42 inches, up to 45 inches, but most I play are about 43.5 inches. You'll lose a little carry distance, but not much, and will probably gain a slightly lower more penetrating ball flight.

You can take it to a club fitter to be done, or DIY it. If you want to DIY it I recommend starting with taking no more than an inch off it at the butt end. If after playing a few rounds you feel you would like it shorter, take off another half inch. Controlled whittling of it is generally better than going mad straight off!

To shorten the driver, cut the grip off but leave the grip tape on (for now). Measure where you want to cut it and use a hacksaw. The grip tape will help stop it splintering. Once cut remove the old grip tape and if there are some small shards and fibres as a result of the cut, then clean them up with sand paper. Remove the old grip tape, re-tape, put new grip on. If you feel you have the need to re swing weight it, then take it to a club fitter, but if thats the case you may as well get them to do the whole job. Personally I find the very small swing weight changes not to be relevant to the performance of the club.

I've yet to see anyone who has reduced their driver length regret it. 44 inches seems about the right balance between length and control, which is why most pro's who earn their living from playing golf use that length or similar. Modern super long 46 inch drivers are too hard to control for most golfers. The extra few yards difference isnt worth the loss of controlability and accuracy.
