Lisa Robertson Obituary: Virginia Beach, VA, CBN The 700 Club Mourns the Death of Great Author a

May 2024 · 8 minute read

Lisa Robertson Obituary: The community of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is grieving the sudden and tragic loss of Lisa Robertson, a devoted mother, wife, and grandmother. Known for her inspiring books and powerful speeches, Lisa was a pillar of strength in the women’s ministry and a dedicated advocate for early childhood education. Her unexpected passing has left a void in the hearts of many who admired her unwavering faith and commitment to her community.

Lisa Robertson Obituary

Lisa Robertson Obituary

Lisa Robertson, a renowned author and educator, left a lasting impact on the community of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Her unexpected passing has left her loved ones and the community in mourning. Lisa was not only a devoted mother of five children and a loving wife to Tim Robertson, but she was also a cherished grandmother to many. Her untimely death has deeply saddened those who knew her.

The tragic and unexpected loss of Lisa Robertson has left a void in the world of literature and public speaking. For over two decades, Lisa captivated audiences with her powerful words and inspiring messages. As a speaker, Bible study instructor, and advocate for women’s ministry, she touched the lives of countless individuals. Her book, “Advent: Making Christmas about Christ,” became a cherished resource for those seeking a deeper connection with their faith during the holiday season. Lisa’s impact as an author and speaker will be sorely missed.

Lisa Robertson’s greatest joy in life was her role as a devoted mother, wife, and grandmother. She poured her love and dedication into raising her five children alongside her husband, Tim. Lisa’s unwavering commitment to her family was evident in her active involvement in their school and church activities. She balanced her responsibilities as a mother with her passion for serving on various regional and national committees, including Teen Mania, Smart Beginnings, and Alpha. Lisa’s presence as a loving grandmother brought immense joy to the lives of her grandchildren. Her legacy as a devoted family woman will forever be cherished.

Lisa Robertson’s Accomplishments

Lisa Robertson’s life was marked by numerous accomplishments and contributions that left a lasting impact on those around her. Her dedication and passion in various areas of her life made her a respected figure in her community.

Lisa Robertson’s gift for public speaking and her deep understanding of the Bible made her a sought-after speaker and Bible study instructor. Her ability to connect with audiences and deliver powerful messages of faith and inspiration was truly remarkable. Lisa’s unwavering support for women’s ministry further demonstrated her commitment to empowering and uplifting women in their spiritual journeys. Through her teachings and guidance, she helped countless individuals find strength, hope, and a deeper connection with their faith.

One of Lisa Robertson’s notable achievements was her book, “Advent: Making Christmas about Christ.” This insightful and thought-provoking book became a beloved resource for individuals seeking to rediscover the true meaning of Christmas. Lisa’s ability to convey the essence of the holiday season and guide readers towards a more meaningful celebration of Christ’s birth was truly remarkable. Her book continues to inspire and touch the lives of many, reminding them of the importance of faith and reflection during the Christmas season.

Lisa Robertson’s commitment to her faith extended beyond her role as a speaker and author. She was actively involved in her church and dedicated her time and energy to various community initiatives. Whether it was volunteering for church events, serving on committees, or supporting regional and national organizations, Lisa’s presence and contributions were invaluable. Her selflessness and willingness to make a difference in the lives of others made her a beloved figure in her community. Lisa’s legacy of service and community involvement will continue to inspire others to follow in her footsteps.

Lisa Robertson’s Career and Education

Lisa Robertson’s career and educational journey were marked by success, passion, and a deep commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. Her accomplishments and leadership roles showcased her dedication and expertise in various fields.

Prior to her move to Virginia Beach, Lisa Robertson established a thriving career in sales and advertising in the bustling city of Boston. Her exceptional skills and determination propelled her to great heights in the industry. Lisa’s ability to connect with clients and deliver results made her a respected figure in the business world. Her success in sales and advertising laid a solid foundation for her future endeavors.

Driven by her unwavering faith and desire to help women grow in their faith, Lisa Robertson founded Changing Seasons Outreach Ministry. This impactful organization provided a platform for women to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through various programs and initiatives, Lisa’s ministry touched the lives of countless individuals, offering support, guidance, and a sense of community. Her visionary leadership and dedication to empowering women made Changing Seasons Outreach Ministry a beacon of hope and inspiration.

Lisa Robertson’s passion for women’s ministry extended beyond the founding of Changing Seasons Outreach Ministry. She held prominent leadership roles in various organizations, including serving on the boards of directors of the Museum of the Bible and Proverbs 31 Ministries. Lisa’s expertise and commitment to advancing women’s spiritual growth and empowerment made her a sought-after advisor and advocate. Additionally, she played a pivotal role as a founding board member of E-3, Elevate Early Education, a statewide effort in Virginia that focused on ensuring children under the age of five were prepared for school. Lisa’s dedication to early childhood education and her advocacy for the well-being of children showcased her commitment to making a lasting impact in her community.

Lisa Robertson’s Advocacy and Contributions

Lisa Robertson’s passion for making a positive impact extended beyond her career and personal endeavors. She dedicated her time and energy to advocating for important causes and serving in influential roles within prominent organizations.

Lisa Robertson’s expertise and leadership were recognized by various organizations, leading to her appointment to boards of directors and membership in esteemed institutions. She served on the boards of directors of the Museum of the Bible and Proverbs 31 Ministries, where she contributed her insights and guidance to further their missions. Lisa’s involvement in these organizations allowed her to collaborate with like-minded individuals and make a significant impact on a larger scale.

Recognizing the importance of early childhood education, Lisa Robertson became a passionate advocate for ensuring that children under the age of five were prepared for school. She played a pivotal role as a founding board member of E-3, Elevate Early Education, a statewide effort in Virginia. Lisa’s dedication to this cause aimed to guarantee that every child had access to quality education and a strong foundation for their future. Her advocacy work in early childhood education demonstrated her commitment to creating a brighter future for the younger generation.

Lisa Robertson’s commitment to the well-being and safety of children led to her appointment to the Virginia State Board of Child Abuse and Neglect. This prestigious appointment by the governor of Virginia showcased Lisa’s expertise and dedication to protecting vulnerable children in the community. Through her role on the board, she worked tirelessly to raise awareness about child abuse and neglect, advocate for policy changes, and ensure the welfare of children across the state. Lisa’s appointment was a testament to her unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of those who needed it most.

Lisa Robertson’s Faithful Beginnings School Readiness Guide

Lisa Robertson’s commitment to early education and religious development was exemplified through her creation of the Faithful Beginnings School Readiness Guide. This comprehensive resource served as a valuable tool for parents and preschool teachers alike, providing guidance and support in laying a solid foundation for children’s educational and spiritual journeys.

The Faithful Beginnings School Readiness Guide became an indispensable resource for parents and preschool teachers seeking to provide the best possible start for young children. Filled with practical tips, age-appropriate activities, and expert advice, the guide empowered parents and teachers to create nurturing and stimulating environments that fostered children’s growth and development. Lisa’s thoughtful insights and wealth of knowledge made the guide an invaluable tool for those involved in early childhood education.

One of the key aspects of Lisa Robertson’s Faithful Beginnings School Readiness Guide was its emphasis on both early education and religious development. Recognizing the importance of a holistic approach to learning, Lisa provided strategies and resources that integrated educational concepts with spiritual teachings. By intertwining academic readiness with religious values, the guide aimed to nurture children’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth. Lisa’s dedication to fostering well-rounded individuals through early education and religious development was evident in every page of the guide.

The community of Virginia Beach, VA, is mourning the tragic and unexpected loss of Lisa Robertson, a beloved author, speaker, and devoted mother. Lisa was a dedicated wife, mother of five, and grandmother to many. She made significant contributions to women’s ministry, serving as a Bible study instructor and writing the book “Advent: Making Christmas about Christ.” Lisa was actively involved in her church, her children’s school, and various regional and national committees. Her impact extended beyond her immediate community, as she appeared as a guest on The 700 Club and Living the Life. Lisa’s legacy as an author and educator spanned over thirty years, with her most recent book, “The Path of Life: Walking in the Loving Presence of God,” published in 2019. She was a passionate advocate for early childhood education and served on several boards, including the Museum of the Bible and Proverbs 31 Ministries. Lisa’s dedication to her faith and her commitment to helping others will be deeply missed. Our thoughts and condolences go out to her family and friends during this difficult time.
