Contexto Answer 221: How to Solve the Word Puzzle of the Day

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Contexto is a word game that challenges you to guess the secret word of the day based on a given context. The game uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to tell you how close or similar your guess is to the answer. The closer your guess is, the lower the number you will see. The secret word is the number 1, and you have unlimited guesses to find it.

Contexto is similar to other popular word games like Wordle, Quordle, Globle, and Nerdle, but it has its own unique twist. Instead of giving you clues about the letters or the length of the word, Contexto gives you clues about the meaning and usage of the word. You have to think of words that are related to the context and see how they rank in similarity to the secret word.

If you are stuck on Contexto 221, which was released on April 27, 2023, we have some hints and tips for you to help you solve it. We also have the answer for you if you want to check your solution or give up on the puzzle.

Hints for Contexto 221

The context for Contexto 221 is:

An emotional state or reaction.

Here are some hints to help you narrow down your guesses:

Answer for Contexto 221

If you have tried enough guesses and want to know the answer for Contexto 221, here it is:


FEELING is the secret word for Contexto 221. It is a noun or adjective that means an emotional state or reaction. It fits the context and all the hints given above. It is also very close to some of the words in the list, such as FEEL and FELT.

If you guessed FEELING correctly, congratulations! You have solved Contexto 221 and can move on to the next puzzle. If you didn’t guess it, don’t worry. You can try again tomorrow with a new context and a new secret word.

Contexto is a fun and challenging word game that tests your vocabulary and your ability to think of words in a specific context. It also helps you learn new words and their meanings by showing you how they are related to other words. You can play Contexto every day by visiting its official website after midnight.
