2022-Fall-COM-102-ONLIN-1-04-12979-Public Speaking in Digital Age

May 2024 · 11 minute read

The final syllabus will be available in the Learning Management System.

This is a past syllabus providing a general idea of what the course entails. This does not represent the current course's syllabus, requirements or expectations.

Course Overview

The goal of Com 102 is to teach students the skills necessary to communicate successfully in a variety of professional contexts within our diverse world. This class is specifically designed to help you develop skills for the professional workplace, no matter what job you plan to seek after college. It emphasizes public presentation skills, as well as computer-mediated presentation skills.

Com 102 provides opportunities for you to learn how to communicate professionally in verbal presentations, written communications (e.g. email communication, preparing speech outlines), and presentations via webcam. As a UCORE class, Com 102 teaches a variety of important communication skills that will help you be successful in other classes you will take in college, as well as your future career.

When learning how to communicate in a world of increasing globalization, it is important to learn about the diverse perspectives of people around you. In Com 102, everyone is welcome, and we can all learn from each other. We include everyone, and work to understand those that are similar and different from us. We will develop communication skills that are inclusive and contribute to equity for everyone.

Being a successful professional in any career includes several important things: following directions, completing tasks on time, asking questions when you need help, and keeping track of your calendar and busy schedule. Com 102 provides you with an opportunity to practice all of these skills!    

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
At the end of this course, you should be able to:Course topics that advance learning goals:How is this assessed?

Creation of presentation materials:

Analyze and adapt messages (written and verbal) to various professional contexts and audiences.

Develop the elements of effective speaking for public audiences, and computer-mediated presentations.

Understanding the speech goal, situation & expectations, as well as the audience characteristics & expectations

Listening, researching materials, choosing topics, outlining, citing sources, word & language choices, visual aids, effective examples



Peer feedback activities



Delivery of presentation materials:

Deliver presentations that incorporate the appropriate use of content, organization, language, voice elements, kinesics, eye contact, appearance, visual aids, and time constraints.

Visual & vocal aspects of delivery

Different delivery styles appropriate to the channel & situation


Practice speeches

WSU/UCORE Learning Goals
WSU/UCORE Learning GoalCOMM Category Learning Outcomes Course-level Learning OutcomesClass Topics & Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcome Assessed by…


Students express ideas clearly, concisely and effectively in multiple media

Students adapt content and media to multiple and diverse audiences and purposes

Develop the elements of effective speaking for public audiences, and computer-mediated presentations.

Deliver presentations that incorporate the appropriate use of content, organization, language, voice elements, kinesics, eye contact, appearance, visual aids, and time constraints.

Analyze and adapt messages (written and verbal) to various professional contexts and audiences.

Students go through a process of drafting, editing, and finalizing speech outlines (written communication). Written outlines are then used as the basis for oral presentations, which are delivered to live audiences & via video recording software.

A significant component of each outline & speech assignment is analyzing the audience & speaking context and adapting the content appropriately. Speeches delivered live & via computer-mediated communication

Written Outlines

In-class speeches

Recorded speeches

In-class speeches; Recorded speeches; Practice speech recordings; In-class participation & activities

Critical & Creative Thinking

Students self-evaluate and revise their work

Students critique the work of peers

Develop peer evaluation & feedback skills

Students review their graded outline and speech rubric and revise parts of their speech to re-deliver to a group of their classmates. Students also reflect on and write about their work thus far in the class, as well as present a written strategy for how to improve their performance on the remaining two speech assignments.

Goal-setting activity

Reflection Assignment

Critique of Professional Speaker

Group Rehearsal & Feedback Assignment

Information Literacy

Students find and use high-quality, credible and relevant sources

Develop research and citation skills

Students complete 3 research-based speeches that require them to find and cite credible sources in APA style.

Written Outlines & Speeches: Informative, Invitational, Professional

Writing Requirement

Students produce a reasonable amount of writing, appropriate to lower or upper division expectations and departmental standards

Analyze and adapt messages (written and verbal) to various professional contexts and audiences.

Students learn & are assessed on: researching materials, choosing topics, outlining, citing sources, word & language choices, visual aids, effective examples

4 formal written outlines

Reflection Assignment

Critique of Professional Speaker

Professional Email Assignment

Course Work

Tips for being successful in this class:

  • Check Canvas & Top Hat several times a week. All due dates, info, updates, and pro-tips are easily available in our course space and through regular announcements – read them!
  • Be mentally present & do the assigned work. The best way to learn communication is by actively practicing your communication!
  • Keep up with deadlines. The entire semester is scheduled out for you. Set reminders in your phone to meet deadlines.
  • Listen. We share important information that is designed to help you be successful on your speeches (and beyond this class!)
  • Follow directions. Nothing about this class should be a mystery. You will have clear written instructions for all assignments. Just read them and do what is asked of you, and this class can be very easy!
  • Ask for help when you need it. (before you get too behind!)
  • Get to know your instructor! They're here to help you!
  • Speech Dates

    Presentations are scheduled throughout the semester and due dates are listed on the schedule. You are responsible for making sure you understand how to use the technology and are able to successfully record and submit your speech before the due date. If you miss the due date, submit your speech as soon as possible! You will incur the late penalty, but you can still earn the majority of the points. 

    How your success is measured

    Lecture Viewing

    Students are required to watch lectures and assignment walkthrough videos. They can be found in Canvas under the “Panopto” tab. Lecture and assignment walkthrough viewing is both mandatory and critical to your success in this class. I will assign points for lecture and assignment walkthrough viewing each day. You will earn 10 points for each video you watch in its entirety. You begin earning viewing points during day 1 and each day there are multiple videos to watch. Make sure to check the “Lessons” tab on Canvas to see which videos are required each day to earn points. 

    You earn a substantial amount of points by viewing required videos in their entirety. Missing these videos can quickly contribute to dropping your grade by one or more letter grades, or result in a failing grade for the class. If you anticipate days you know you are unable to view the required videos, it is your responsibility to discuss the situation with your instructor. Excuses after the fact will not be tolerated. 

    You will earn points for each video you view in its entirety. You must watch the assigned videos each week before 11:59 pm PST to receive your points. Missed lecture viewing points cannot be made up – NO EXCEPTIONS. 

    Speeches: It should not come as a surprise that a large portion of your grade in this class will come from giving speeches! The best way to learn and improve public speaking is to do it… a lot! Your speech assignments include a “Show and Tell” speech in which you will show something you like and tell your audience why you like it. During this speech, you get to “ease in” to speaking by delivering a short, casual speech. After that, you will have 3 formal speech assignments: Informative, Invitational, and Special Occasion. The speech assignments are designed to offer you many opportunities to build on your communication skills & increase your confidence throughout the semester. You will become prepared to handle any professional speaking situation in your future! Detailed instructions for each speech are provided on Canvas.

    Outlines: Your written assignments will consist of outlines you create as part of the speech preparation process. Written communication is equally important to oral presentations for professional success! For 3 speeches you will have an outline due to accompany your speech. You will upload your document to the assignment dropbox on Canvas. Your outlines should be formal pieces of writing that you edit carefully for the correct formatting, grammar, spelling, and citation of sources. Information about how to outline is provided in your textbook on TopHat, in your Com 102 workbook on Top Hat, on Canvas, and in information from your instructor.

    Top Hat: Your textbook, which is published by Fountainhead Press, is included within the online learning platform called Top Hat. We used a “Flipped Classroom” model in this course. This means that you complete your reading, quiz questions, and practice activities on your own time. Information from your instructor will be focused on speaking! It is your responsibility to read and watch the assigned material and complete the assigned activities. The Top Hat site is a fantastic learning tool. The more time you spend on it, the more you will learn! Log on often to make sure you are keeping up with the due dates.

    There are multiple activities assigned each week in Top Hat, such as the chapter readings, quiz questions, and other activities. You will also submit recorded speeches in Top Hat. You cannot pass Com 102 if you do not complete Top Hat assignments.

    It is VERY IMPORTANT to your success in this class to regularly log onto Top Hat and complete the assigned tasks every week. If you get very far behind, it will be extremely difficult to catch up. Stay on top of your due dates – late work is not accepted on the Top Hat quiz questions. Plan on completing your work every week.

    Your access to Top Hat is through our course Canvas space. The link can be found on the left hand side of the screen. 

    Quiz questions: Part of your weekly assignments on Top Hat include quiz questions throughout the chapters. You will see the due dates on Top Hat any time you log on. The quiz questions are embedded within the chapters – you can answer them as you read. This format is designed to help guide your reading and understanding of the material. You can take as much time as you need to find the correct answers within the chapter!

    Other written assignments: You also have the opportunity to earn points for several written assignments: 1) watching a speech online by a professional speaker & writing a critique of the speech, 2) setting goals for your improvement in public speaking, and 3) writing a reflection about your progress as a speaker throughout the semester. Detailed directions for all of these assignments are provided on Canvas. These assignments are designed to improve your written communication skills, but also to provide an opportunity to think critically about your own and other’s communication.  

    Extra Credit: There are several extra credit opportunities in this class!


    Points available for you to earn:

    Assignment Breakdown
    Questions on Top Hat~100 


    • Show & Tell Speech (20 points)
    • Informative Speech (50 points)
    • Invitational Speech (50 points)
    • Special Occasion Speech (50 points)

    Speech Outlines

    • Informative Speech Outline (50 points)
    • Invitational Speech Outline (50 points)

    Lectures (10 points per lecture)

    • Welcome and Intro to COM 102
    • Panopto Best Practices
    • Communication Apprehension
    • Delivery
    • Communicating As A Professional
    • Audience Analysis and Adaptation
    • Intros and Conclusions
    • Structuring and Outlining Your Speech
    • Citations and Outside Sources
    • Language and Word Choice
    • Persuasion 
    • Argumentation 
    • Listening
    • Values
    • Interviewing 
    • Semester Review 


    Peer Critiques (2 critiques per speech 10 points per critique)

    • Show and Tell Speech Peer Critiques 
    • Informative Speech Peer Critiques
    • Invitational Speech Peer Critiques
    • Special Occasion Speech Peer Critiques

    Other assignments

    • Self-Introduction (10 points)
    • Topic Development Assignments (3 @ 30 points)
    • Critique of Professional Speaker (20 points)
    • Reflection Assignment (20 points)



    *Points are subject to adjustment as needed throughout the semester. 

    Grading Schema
    A 93-100%C 73-76.99%
    A-  90-92.99%C- 70-72.99%
    B+ 87-89.99%D+ 67-69.99%
    B 83-86.99%D 60-66.99%
    B- 80-82.99%F 59.99% & lower
    C+ 77-79.99% 

    All grades for all assignments will be posted on Canvas, including the points earned on Top Hat. You can keep track of your grade at all times. Midterm grade totals will be posted on Canvas. You need to complete the work in Top Hat to pass Com 102! See the course schedule, as well as the weekly to-do lists and announcements to keep track of due dates!

    For questions or concerns about your grade, please see your instructor during office hours or a scheduled appointment.
