ATEEZs Hongjoongs two-toned hair becomes the rage in ATINY fandom

May 2024 · 4 minute read

ATEEZ’s Hongjoong has updated his hairdo, confirming that preparations for the group’s upcoming Japanese release are in full swing. It has also solidified fans’ belief that their leader can pull off all experimental looks. Over the past few weeks, the ATINY fandom began suspecting that the rapper would dye his hair in two tones.

The half-and-half edit that did the rounds on Twitter turned out to be a reality on April 15, when the ATEEZ leader held a YouTube live stream with Yunho. He revealed his new hair, making the fandom swoon.

The leader’s name trended on Twitter as fans gushed about his monochromatic two-toned hair, calling it the best hair color he has ever sported.

ATEEZ’s Hongjoong’s newest hairstyle leaves fans awestruck

ATEEZ’s Hongjoong has donned multiple hairstyles and pulled off all of them. From blonde mullets to short black hair, the leader has been experimenting with hair colors since the group’s debut in 2018.

Hongjoong recently revealed his new hair color in a YouTube live stream with member Yunho on April 15. His hair was half black, half white. Fans called the hairstyle a “legendary Hongjoong hair era.” The group’s leader has dyed his hair white in the past too, which also went down as one of his most iconic looks.

ATINYs couldn’t stop gushing about his outfit and two-toned hair. The leader wore a hoodie and square spectacles with his traditional single-painted fingernail.

The hyung, Seonghwa, told fans on the fan-artist communication app Universe that the two-toned look was ATEEZ’s Hongjoong's best hair.

The eight-member group will make their Japanese comeback on May 25. The second Japanese mini-album, BEYOND: ZERO, was teased with a group photo of the men in a boxing ring, donning athletic clothing.

BEYOND: ZERO will include Japanese versions of their songs, including I’m the One, Take me Home, Deja Vu, and original Japanese songs The King and ROCKY. ATEEZ is also one of the few self-producing idol groups, and as per reports, Hongjoong produced ROCKY.

Meanwhile, the group will also host concerts in Japan for the first time in July. Titled THE FELLOWSHIP: BEGINNING OF THE END in JAPAN, the show will be held for three days, from July 16 to 18.

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