Which Blue Jays players recorded 30 stolen bases in a season? MLB Immaculate Grid Answers August 1

May 2024 · 5 minute read

MLB Immaculate Grid enables fans to delve deeper into their wealth of baseball knowledge than ever before. The quiz game, updated daily, is fast becoming a favorite around the baseball world.

Administered by Baseball Reference, the Immaculate Grid drops a new 3x3 grid puzzle each day. It is then up to users to populate the nine squares by using the hints provided. While users are typically asked to name players who have played for certain teams, sometimes career achievements are also included on one of the axes as a clue.

On Aug. 1, the Immaculate Grid required participants to identify Toronto Blue Jays players who have stolen 30 or more bases in a season. A relatively small group of 15 players have conquered this feat.

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The most recent Toronto Blue Jays player to steal at least 30 bases in a season was outfielder Rajai Davis, swiping 46 in 2012. A 2006 Pittsburgh Pirates draft pick, Davis played for the Jays between 2011 and 2013. During that time, the Connecticut native swiped 125 bases out of the 415 he boasted upon his retirement in 2019.

"On This Date 08/12/2012: Rajai Davis made this incredible catch. (He also stole a base and knocked in 5 runs with a 2-run double and a 3-run double). The Blue Jays won 10-7." - Brad Badini

Perhaps the most well-known Blue Jay to hit the 30-steal marker was Roberto Alomar, who swiped 55 in the team's 1993 World Series-winning season. The Puerto Rican played in Toronto from 1991 until 1994, winning two World Series championships during that time. Regarded as one of the best defensive second basemen of his time, Alomar won six consecutive Gold Gloves between 1991 and 1996.

The all-time single-season stolen base record holder for the Toronto Blue Jays is Dave Collins. A prolific outfielder, Collins played alongside Pete Rose on the late-1970s "Big Red Machine" Cincinnati Reds. In 1984, he led the league in triples with 15, and stole 60 bases for the Jays.

"Happy 65th to Dave Collins. Played for 8 teams in 16 seasons. In 1984 w/Blue Jays hit .308/.366/.444 with 15 3B + 60 SB. Had 395 career SB." - Don Fulton

Otis Nixon's time with the Toronto Blue Jays was short-lived and lasted as long as the 1996 season and half of the 1997 season. Despite being dealt to the Los Angeles Dodgers at the 1997 trade deadline, the 6-foot-2 center fielder was still able to steal 47 bases for the Jays in 103 games, making him eligible for this edition of the Immaculate Grid.

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