Explore Thelda Williams Death, Former Mayor Of Phoenix, Thelda Williams

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Remembering Thelda Williams: Phoenix Mourns a Three-Time Mayor

Thelda Williams, the distinguished former Mayor of Phoenix, passed away on Tuesday night at the age of 82 after a brief battle with cancer. Notably, Williams holds the unique distinction of being the only person to serve as Phoenix’s top official on three separate occasions, contributing over 20 years of service to the City Council.

Mayor Kate Gallego expressed heartfelt condolences, acknowledging Williams’s profound impact on the city. Gallego highlighted Williams’s dedication to improving Phoenix, citing achievements such as enhancing Sky Harbor International Airport, strengthening the transit system, and promoting water conservation.

To honor Thelda Williams, flags at city facilities will be lowered through Tuesday at sunset. In a recent decision, the City Council voted to name the new transit center at Metrocenter after her, recognizing her enduring legacy.

Williams, a devoted animal lover, played a key role in advocating for city policies to protect dogs. In 2019, the city, along with partners Downtown Phoenix Partnership and PetSmart Charities, unveiled the “Thelda Williams Paw-Pup Dog Park,” Phoenix’s first downtown dog park.

Councilwoman Debra Stark, who served alongside Williams, expressed deep sorrow at her passing, emphasizing Williams’s impactful contributions to the city. Williams served on the City Council from 1989, ran for mayor in 1995, and returned to the Council in 2007, serving until 2021. She assumed the role of interim mayor after the resignations of several predecessors.

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Thelda Williams’s legacy includes her service as vice mayor, chair of the City Council’s Transportation Infrastructure and Planning Subcommittee, and chair of the Valley Metro Rail board. She is survived by her son Murry, daughter Cyndi, and three grandsons: Matt Smith, a Phoenix police officer, and Ben and John Williams. Thelda Williams is preceded in death by her husband, Mel, a former Phoenix police officer, and her daughter Chris. The city of Phoenix mourns the loss of a dedicated public servant whose impact will endure for generations.

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