Does PPP Go Away With Age or Not? Is It a Permanent Condition?

May 2024 ยท 6 minute read

How PPP Can Affect Your Relationships

Despite this, the appearance of these bumps can still be a source of anxiety during sexual encounters. 

Men with pearly penile papules may worry that their partner will be put off by the appearance of their penis, or that they will be judged or ridiculed for having the condition. 

This can lead to avoidance of sexual activity, decreased self-esteem, and even depression.

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Does PPP Go Away With Age or Not?

So, what can men with pearly penile papules do to manage these feelings and enjoy a fulfilling sex life? 

Here are some tips:

Pearly Penile Papules Personal Story

John had always been a shy person, but he had finally mustered up the courage to ask out his crush, Sarah. 

They had gone out on a few dates and John was starting to feel like things were going well. 

However, he had a secret that he was afraid to reveal. John had pearly penile papules, small bumps on the head of his penis that were harmless but unsightly. 

He had been avoiding sexual activity and had never told anyone about his condition.

One night, things started to get heated between John and Sarah. They were making out on the couch when Sarah reached down to touch him. John froze, his heart racing with anxiety. 

He knew he had to tell her about his condition, but he was afraid of how she would react. 

"Sarah, there's something I need to tell you," he said, his voice trembling. "I have pearly penile papules."

do pearly penile papules go away with age?

Sarah looked at him quizzically. "What's that?" she asked.

John took a deep breath and explained what the condition was. He braced himself for her reaction, but she didn't seem to be bothered by it. "Oh, that's all?" she said. "I thought it was something serious. It doesn't bother me at all."

John felt a wave of relief wash over him. He couldn't believe how understanding and accepting Sarah was. They continued making out, and John felt more comfortable and confident than he ever had before.

However, as they started to undress, Sarah noticed the bumps on John's penis. Her expression changed, and John knew immediately that something was wrong. 

"I'm sorry, John," she said. "I can't do this. I just can't get past the way it looks."

John felt his heart sink. He had been rejected before, but this felt different. He felt exposed and ashamed. Sarah tried to reassure him, telling him that she still liked him but couldn't handle the bumps. But John knew that he could never be with someone who couldn't accept him for who he was.

As he left Sarah's apartment, John felt defeated. He couldn't help feeling like his condition had ruined his chances at happiness. But as he walked down the street, he started to feel a sense of resolve. He knew that he had to learn to love and accept himself, bumps and all. He wasn't going to let his condition define him or hold him back. John realized that if someone couldn't accept him for who he was, then they weren't worth his time. 

This is a true story from a guy that suffered from pearly penile papules.

Why PPP Won't Go Away With Age

Pearly penile papules are an anatomic variation found on some men, yet some may find them bothersome and/or embarassing, and would like them removed for cosmetic reasons.

Truth be told, they won't go away with age! Most of us have experienced these small bumps on our penis at some point during our lives - though annoying they won't pose any health risk to your wellbeing!

Pearly penile papules do not have an identifiable cause, though many theorize that they may be remnants of what we were as ancient species. Sometimes the bumps develop during puberty and are misdiagnosed as STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

Though not dangerous or infectious, some men may worry that bumps might be an indicator of sexually transmitted disease (STDs). If this is your worry, visit your healthcare provider as soon as possible to ensure they're identified and treated accordingly.

Pearly penile papules are noncancerous growths that don't produce pus and tend to appear in groups around your penile area, making them easy to miss.

Studies conducted in the UK indicate that they're far more prevalent than you'd think: an estimated 38 percent of men under 25 had them according to one survey conducted there, more often appearing among uncircumcised guys than with circumcised ones.

These bumps often have a white or pearly color and resemble genital warts in appearance. Most cases develop during adolescence but can occur at any age.

So what exactly are these bumps called? They're called hirsuties coronae glandis and they're an acceptable variant of penis anatomy.

PPP and Surgery

Hysterectomy surgery or having erectile dysfunction are among the leading causes. Uncircumcised males tend to experience more cases than circumcised ones of this complication.

How Long Will They Last On My Penis? It can be hard to predict how long these will remain on your penis, but they tend to fade with time. Over time they may become more noticeable but don't worry as they are not cancerous!

Pearly penile papules may reappear over time, and this is more likely after recently receiving laser therapy as the heat from laser will affect damaged tissue that causes them to form.

However, if they have been present for an extended period of time it's essential that they visit a dermatologist to be diagnosed and treated, otherwise they could resurface or even worsen over time.

There are various treatments available for pearly penile papules, including using liquid nitrogen to freeze them off or laser treatment, both of which have their own risks and side effects.

If you have pearly penile papules, it is wise to seek medical advice regarding their treatment. In-home remedies that claim to alleviate their condition will unlikely help and could even exacerbate it further.

At Lombardi Institute of Dermatology, we offer advanced laser treatments to safely and quickly clear away pearly penile papules. Call our expert dermatologist, Dr. Lombardi, today to arrange your consultation; together you'll work out an individualized treatment plan tailored specifically for you that ensures comfort during each stage of the process.
