Lauren Finney Harden - InStyle

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Education: University of Georgia

Lauren Finney Harden writes about fashion and beauty products for InStyle and specializes in the entire lifestyle spectrum, from parenting to wellness to breaking trends. She's contributed to many sites such as Byrdie, Verywell Family, and Insider.



Lauren is an experienced print and digital content creator with an extensive list of clients whom she has served through editorial consulting, content creation, branding, copywriting, native content, branded content, and more. No topic is off-limits, from travel to parenting to interiors, and she can write everything from tweets to long-form articles.

She worked in New York City for almost a decade as a fashion editor for magazines like Cosmopolitan, Ocean Drive, and Hamptons, and was the launch Editor-in-Chief of Lonely Planet's first and award-winning North American magazine, Lonely Planet. It won min’s magazine media awards Best New Magazine.

She returned home to Atlanta, where she most recently served as Editor-in-Chief of several Atlanta- and Hawaii-based titles for Modern Luxury.

As a parent and work-from-home warrior, she looks for the best value for the price, as well as shortcut items that will help streamline her day. She's not above indulging in something frivolous, especially if it's sparkly (she even had a disco wedding!).


Lauren attended the University of Georgia.

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About InStyle

InStyle is an award-winning destination for fashion, beauty, and pop-culture, with an all-are-welcome ethos that swings open the proverbial velvet ropes. Whether you’re looking for a wardrobe refresh, haircut inspiration, or a story that’ll make sparkling cocktail-party conversation, our expert-connected coverage is where to start. Learn more about our team and editorial guidelines, here.
