Ziggler, Zig-zags, & Superkicks | WrestleZone Forums

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read
This is something that comes to my mind every time I see Ziggler, and even more-so when I see wrestlers throwing superkicks around like open-hand smacks (curse you, Usos).

I feel that a very important aspect of a wrestler is his finisher. A bad looking finisher, or one that can only be used on certain opponents, can often hinder a wrestler's ability to elevate up the card. This brings me to Dolph Ziggler immediately. At the moment, he has a finisher known as the "Zig-Zag" (he doesn't look like much of a stoner to me). He goes behind someone and kind of hauls them backwards to the ground, I guess. It's a very sloppy, hardly impressive looking move. A lot of the time they fall backwards out-of-sync, or Ziggler doesn't really get a good grasp on his opponents head, or whatever. Honestly, I'm hard-pressed to think of a worse finisher, when it comes to the current guys you generally see in the upper-midcard or above. I thing he *really* needs a new one, and should drop that move completely ASAP.

This is where the superkick comes in (curse you, Usos). It seems wrestlers these days throw that move around like it's no big deal now that HBK is retired. It's one thing that, as a wrestling fan, I cannot look past. The move is easily one of the most convincing K.O. moves in the business, and can be performed against any other opponent (unless they're vastly taller than you, or you're not very flexible). It should be a big deal anytime one connects, and an equally big deal if someone kicks out of one. Here's where mister kutcorners himself, Dolph Ziggler comes into play.

Dolph does tend to throw this move around quite frequently as well. That being said, he does throw a beautiful superkick. We can re-establish this move as a finisher, and Dolph's finisher at that, by doing two of the following:

1) Have him NEVER use the Zig-Zag ever again. And have him start winning his matches after *one* superkick. Have this continue for a while.

2) Tell the Usos (and others) to please stop using them as non-finishers. There is no need.

So, what say you? Agree/Disagree about my thoughts on superkicks? Have a different finisher for Dolph (figure-4, perhaps)? Think it should just stay the same?
