Jason Brooks Granite City IL: jason brooks obituary

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

The close-knit community of Granite City, Illinois is mourning the loss of 46-year-old Jason Brooks, a beloved tattoo artist, father, and grandfather who died by suicide yesterday after years of struggling with depression and anxiety exacerbated by cyberbullying.

A Creative Spirit Gone Too Soon

According to reports, Brooks was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital after a suicide attempt at his home. The tragic incident has left his family, friends, customers, and the larger tattoo community heartbroken over the loss of such a gentle and creative spirit.

Brooks was the owner of Pandemic Ink, a popular local tattoo shop known for its welcoming vibe and talented artists. Brooks' passion for tattoo art started at a young age, and over the years he had built up a loyal client base thanks to his artistic talent and friendly demeanor.

"Jason was one of the good ones - he really cared about his customers and always went the extra mile to make sure they were happy," said a longtime client who wished to remain unnamed. "He was so proud of his shop and his work. It's devastating that depression took him away from us far too soon."

A Loving Father and Grandfather

In addition to being a successful small business owner and respected tattoo artist, Brooks was also a dedicated father and grandfather who friends say adored his family. His death leaves behind grieving adult children and grandchildren now facing the holidays without their beloved patriarch.

"As talented as Jason was as an artist, his kids and grandkids were his real pride and joy," said a close friend. "He lived for those kids - I just can't imagine how hard this loss is going to be for them."

A Long Struggle with Mental Health Issues

According to those close to him, Brooks had struggled with depression and anxiety for years, which often manifested as severe insomnia and panic attacks. Sadly, cyberbullying seemed to exacerbate these existing mental health issues.

"Jason tried to not let the bullying get to him, but it really ate away at his self-esteem over the years," said his friend. "It got to the point where he was terrified of even checking social media because of what people might say about him and his shop."

Unfortunately, experiences like Brooks' are all too common. According to recent studies, as many as 37% of American adults have experienced severe online harassment, which can have devastating impacts on mental health and wellbeing.

Help for His Family and Community

In the wake of this tragedy, Brooks' family has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover funeral costs and other expenses related to his passing. In just 24 hours, the campaign raised over $5,000 from community members eager to support the family in their time of sorrow.

"The outpouring of support just shows how loved Jason was and how many lives he touched with his kindness and talents," said the organizer of the GoFundMe. "Though nothing can bring him back, hopefully this helps the family through this difficult time as they grieve and heal."

In addition to financial assistance, friends and neighbors have been offering emotional support, delivering homecooked meals, and sharing memories of Jason. Though the local mental health organizations have shared tips on constructively discussing suicide prevention and awareness in order to prevent future loss of life.

"Our hearts are broken by Jason's passing," said a representative from one local mental health nonprofit. "We can honor his memory by checking in on our loved ones who are struggling and supporting mental health resources in our community."

Though nothing can undo this tragedy, Granite City continues to come together in mourning the untimely loss of Jason Brooks. May his memory live on as an inspiration to choose kindness and lift each other up.

If you or a loved one is struggling with suicidal thoughts, help is available 24/7 via the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. There is always hope.

